Bloggies Nominations for 2014 is OPEN! (And I need your help!)

9 January 2014. Filed under category Notification.
Bloggies Background

The bloggies is sort of like the Oscars, but for blogs! Last year, The Modern Nomad was nominated for best-design and best travel. Sadly, we didn’t win anything. But with your help, we can reclaim 2012’s glory where we won Best Travel, hell, we could even win Blog of the Year!

The more nominations we get, the better the chance that we’ll be one of the finalists. Ready to help out? Awesome! Here is the  process.

  1. Got to
  2. Nominate ‘The Modern Nomad’ for the following categories: Best Travel / Best Blog of the Year/ Best Design / Best Writing / Best-Kept Secret
  3. Nominate two other blogs in two other categories of your choosing. (Lost for ideas? Check out the 2013 Bloggies winner in the categories you find interesting.)
  4. At the end of the page, click the ‘I would like a chance to be on the panel of voters who choose the finalists’ checkbox, enter your email address and submit your nomination!
  5. Click the link in the verification e-mail that is sent to you.
    These emails often end up in spam folders, so make sure you check it.

Nominations close 26 January.

I can’t enough thank you for your support in this. I know I’ve already inspired some people to break out of lives that did not suit them, and the Bloggies is a great opportunity to help even more people!

SO THANK YOU! You are awesome!


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