
Black Angel

The Black Angel of Thanks

Everyone needs a little help sometimes. For someone who wants to walk a path less travelled, that should probably read ‘a lot of help’. And so with me. Without the support and help from friends, family and strangers, my dream of a nomadic life would remain just that: a dream. On this page, I want to thank everyone who has helped me along my journey.

Emotional Support

First of all, I am indebted to all you who read, comment and share this blog. The fact that you are there pushes me to keep going in times when it otherwise would be too easy to just give up. Special thanks goes to Doug, Craig and Martin who have done a stellar job sharing the blog.

Last, but absolutely not least, I want to thank my family. They offer a very special kind of support while I travel. I know that no matter how bad things get, they will always be there for me. Having a loving safety net like that really sets you free. I love you so much for that.


The following have my thanks for letting me stay in their beds, on their sofas and even in their motor homes! I am grateful for the help this offers me in reducing my living expenses, but most of all, I am grateful for the kindness and guidance you show me.

Awards and Features

I am surprised to even have this as a section. Slowly but surely, The Modern Nomad has been featured in the media or won awards. I’m clearly not above screaming about this from the rooftop! But my lungs are not quite as effective as this blog in reaching people, so here is the list.

The Battle of the Blogs
Dreamhost Site of the Month

The Modern Nomad was voted best in Structure and Design in my webhosts's "Best Site of the Month" competition!

Technical Support

I have made use of some great free resources for putting this blog together. It is only fair that I give credit where credit is due. This may be a bit dry for non-techies, but if you wonder how I created this blog, read on!

First, a big great thank you to the people behind WordPress. It is an amazing blog and web page platform. I am so very impressed by it.

Also, a big thank you to Dreamhost, my awesome webhost. They have been rock-solid from the start, and I love their non-corporate way of speaking/writing. If you are thinking of going with a webhost, consider them. And if you are going to sign up with them, do me favour and use this sign-up link to do so, and I get a bit of referral money to help me pay my own hosting!

The look and feel is based on the free theme ‘Journal Crunch‘ from Site5. I have rewritten large parts of the theme to fit my needs, but it was very good to have a good place to start, especially since I had never used WordPress before.

This site of course uses a lot of plug-ins as well. The ones I use are:

I have also been kindly listed on the following sites:


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